Duplicate Photo Fixer Pro
Uninstall Instructions

To uninstall Duplicate Photo Fixer Pro from your PC use following steps

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Duplicate Photo Fixer Pro uninstall steps:

For Windows 11
To uninstall Duplicate Photo Fixer Pro, follow the steps below:
  1. Press Windows + I to open Windows Settings. Alternatively, right-click the Start button and select "Settings" from the list.
  2. In the Setting window, click Apps from the left pane > select Apps & Features.
  3. Next, in the Apps & features window, look for the Duplicate Photo Fixer Pro. Click the three dots next to it and select Uninstall from the context menu.
  4. When asked for confirmation, click Uninstall. The selected program will now be uninstalled from Windows 11.
  5. To apply changes, restart the system.
This will remove Duplicate Photo Fixer Pro from your computer.
For Windows 10
To uninstall Duplicate Photo Fixer Pro, follow the steps below:
  1. Open the Control Panel. To do so, either: a. Type Control Panel in Windows search bar or press Windows + X > Apps and Features.
  2. Next, navigate to "Programs" > “Programs and Features” > look for the Duplicate Photo Fixer Pro > select it and click the “Uninstall” option. (Note: If you're unable to find "Programs", go to "View By" towards the right of the screen and select "Category" from the drop-down list)
  3. Click the Yes button when prompted to uninstall the program.
This will remove Duplicate Photo Fixer Pro from your computer.
For Microsoft Store
If you've installed Duplicate Photo Fixer Pro from Microsoft App Store, follow these steps to uninstall it:
  1. Click the Start button and navigate to the Settings icon (gear icon).
  2. On the Settings page, locate Apps.
  3. In the Setting window, click Apps from the left pane > select Apps & Features.
  4. In the Apps & features window, look for Duplicate Photo Fixer Pro and click on the Uninstall button.
This will remove Duplicate Photo Fixer Pro from your computer.
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